Sunday, July 18, 2010

How Important is a Youth Group?

Chance is leaving tonight for his first summer Youth Retreat at Big Stuff Camp in Daytona, FL!!  My first reaction when I found out where they are going was "Wow, I went to Eagle Eyrie and Ridgecrest and HE GETS DAYTONA!!!"  Don't get me wrong...I would not trade my summers and weekends at either place! 

As a mom I am so happy Chance has a such a great group of people surrounding him in these crucial years.  At Centerpoint we are blessed with a dedicated group of 20 somethings who love God and are willing to give of themselves to mentor and teach these middle and high school students.  We also have the benefit of a Pastor who was a Youth Pastor for many years and knows where to find the best retreats for the kids.  I know Chance is in good hands while he is gone. 

I remember as a teenager how important my youth group was to me. Some of my best friends today are people I grew up with at Monument Heights Baptist Church (MHBC).  Because of this I was the first to say YES he can go while Rion who did not grow up with the same experiences hesitated because of the distance.  I am glad Chance is building those friendships that have seen me through life.

As I reflect on my youth group it strikes me how many people I grew up with are serving God today in one capacity or another.  I think somebody was doing something right!
We have:
  •  Daniel Carlton-Pastor of Spring Hill Church in the Charlottesville area
  • Jamie Nuckols-Minster of Spiritual Development at Mount Vernon Baptist Church
  • Anteal Garguilo-Ordained Minister, Masters from BTSR, super involved in VA State Acteens and Special Needs Ministries
  • Nicole Patteson-Ordained Minister, Teacher at the Monument Heights Day School, very involved in MHBC church leadership
  • Lee Catherine Clayton-Christian Composer and member of Christian musical group Immersed
  • Greg Long-Christian Children's Writer and founder of Laugh A Long books which has an emphasis of reaching children for God
  • Michele McCauley-very involved in church leadership at MHBC to include the Children and Youth
  • Heather Brinson-Preschool Director of MHBC
  • Melin Green-CBF Missionary
  • Me-Veronica-Drama Ministry leader, Jeannie Geeiluvabiblestorieheimer...Christian storyteller, Centerpoint Church
Those are just the ones I know about!  We have others who may not be in leadership at a church or singing or writing but I know from staying in touch with them in person or through Facebook that they still love God and are living their lives to reflect it. 

It is amazing for me to think about all of the lives being touched by a few kids who spent their summers at Eagle Eyrie, Ridgecrest, doing VBS for the kids in underserved neighborhoods, visiting with Veterans at he VA, visiting with children at the VA Baptist Homes, singing to the elderly....and the list goes on.  Now we are all grown up and look what happened.  This speaks volumes to me about how important this time is in a teenager's life is and how they need strong leaders to help them navigate their way.

I think we are in the right place!

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