Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Today I Found God" by Greg Long

Here is your chance to win a free copy of Greg Long's newly released Christian Children's book from and it is autographed!!!

If you have seen me lately or are my friend on Facebook you know about my friend Greg Long's book, "Today I Found God"  Since I have had my copy I have shared it with children from toddlers to retired people and they all LOVE it!! It is a story everyone of all ages can relate to.  We have all had bad days and wondered why God lets these bad things happen.  Greg tackles this in a fun way that the youngest of readers can understand.

Every adult who I have shared the book with has commented "this book isn't just for children, adults need this too."  Children laugh in delight with the rhyming story, the bright colorful illustrations, and the action packed background story....that I will not give away.  It opens dialogue with children about God and where he is when you need him....always with you.  It opens dialogue with adults too!

You have to get this book!!  You can see more about what Greg and Sean Marie Long are doing at

The website has a great area for children, "Learn-A-Long" with stories and an accompanying video that teaches life lessons from a Biblical perspective.  They have a kids club called, God's Pack, with a "Secret Cave" for kids to go to get lessons about how to listen to Gods call.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cherish The Moment

I was looking for a document on my computer and I found this.  My friends Melissa and Robert Partington from Peace in the Home Ministries had asked me to write some thoughts about motherhood for the Mother's Day 2009 newsletter.  It was a good reminder to me of what I sometimes forget...I thought I would share.

I remember waiting with anticipation the birth of each of my children. I could not wait to hold them in my arms and see who they looked like. I am adopted so it was very exciting for me to look into the face of my children and see a reflection of myself. Those sweet little babies do not stay little very long.

Recently I was baking and my twelve year old asked to help. I was delighted to have him help me. As we were working together I looked up at him (he is already five inches taller than me) and I wondered where in the world did that little baby go? At that moment it struck me that one day he will be grown up and raising children of his own. This child who wants to do everything with me will be a man. This ordinary task of baking became so suddenly very special. I wanted to freeze time and stay that way with him forever.

That feeling I had reminded me of the Thornton Wilder play, Our Town. In the third act of the play Emily has died and she begs to go back for one day. The message is that every minute should be valued. We as parents need to remember those precious children God has so graciously allowed us to raise grow very fast. We have such a short time to teach them and care for them. Since that day, I try to remember when my four year old is wearing a red cape and pretending to fly and I am going crazy just trying to keep him alive, it is all but a moment. One day very soon he will be twelve also, on the brink of those teenage years and I will be yearning for the days of red capes. I am trying to cherish every moment God has given me with these little boys.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

How Important is a Youth Group?

Chance is leaving tonight for his first summer Youth Retreat at Big Stuff Camp in Daytona, FL!!  My first reaction when I found out where they are going was "Wow, I went to Eagle Eyrie and Ridgecrest and HE GETS DAYTONA!!!"  Don't get me wrong...I would not trade my summers and weekends at either place! 

As a mom I am so happy Chance has a such a great group of people surrounding him in these crucial years.  At Centerpoint we are blessed with a dedicated group of 20 somethings who love God and are willing to give of themselves to mentor and teach these middle and high school students.  We also have the benefit of a Pastor who was a Youth Pastor for many years and knows where to find the best retreats for the kids.  I know Chance is in good hands while he is gone. 

I remember as a teenager how important my youth group was to me. Some of my best friends today are people I grew up with at Monument Heights Baptist Church (MHBC).  Because of this I was the first to say YES he can go while Rion who did not grow up with the same experiences hesitated because of the distance.  I am glad Chance is building those friendships that have seen me through life.

As I reflect on my youth group it strikes me how many people I grew up with are serving God today in one capacity or another.  I think somebody was doing something right!
We have:
  •  Daniel Carlton-Pastor of Spring Hill Church in the Charlottesville area
  • Jamie Nuckols-Minster of Spiritual Development at Mount Vernon Baptist Church
  • Anteal Garguilo-Ordained Minister, Masters from BTSR, super involved in VA State Acteens and Special Needs Ministries
  • Nicole Patteson-Ordained Minister, Teacher at the Monument Heights Day School, very involved in MHBC church leadership
  • Lee Catherine Clayton-Christian Composer and member of Christian musical group Immersed
  • Greg Long-Christian Children's Writer and founder of Laugh A Long books which has an emphasis of reaching children for God
  • Michele McCauley-very involved in church leadership at MHBC to include the Children and Youth
  • Heather Brinson-Preschool Director of MHBC
  • Melin Green-CBF Missionary
  • Me-Veronica-Drama Ministry leader, Jeannie Geeiluvabiblestorieheimer...Christian storyteller, Centerpoint Church
Those are just the ones I know about!  We have others who may not be in leadership at a church or singing or writing but I know from staying in touch with them in person or through Facebook that they still love God and are living their lives to reflect it. 

It is amazing for me to think about all of the lives being touched by a few kids who spent their summers at Eagle Eyrie, Ridgecrest, doing VBS for the kids in underserved neighborhoods, visiting with Veterans at he VA, visiting with children at the VA Baptist Homes, singing to the elderly....and the list goes on.  Now we are all grown up and look what happened.  This speaks volumes to me about how important this time is in a teenager's life is and how they need strong leaders to help them navigate their way.

I think we are in the right place!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chance and Chilidog Christmas 2009

A Boy and His Dog

I remember always hearing people say "a boy needs a dog." I never understood what that meant until I watched the most beautiful dog/boy relationship with my son Chance and his Chilidog. Chance suffered with an extreme dog phobia. We aren't really sure where that fear came from. From birth to about 5 years old my stepmother babysat him when I worked. She had a dog and Chance seemed to get along with it okay. But once he was no longer with Cleo the fears set in. I remember at around the age of two, I was shopping with him at Target and put a shirt with dogs on it in the cart and he promptly removed it and hung it back on the rack. I put it back in the cart and he put it back on the rack! After several tries I gave in....that is my earliest clue there was going to be a dog problem.

Chance always loved to watch movies with dogs but would panic if we even drove by a dog. He did not want to be afraid of dogs so he asked for a dog. It was our first year of homeschooling. So I told him if he did well with his end of year test I would buy him a dog. So along came Chilidog. I had never had a dog before. I remember his first week at home. That puppy cried all night long to be with us. I was pregnant with Shepard. I remember thinking how in the world did I get talked into this? No one told me they cry like babies, I am never going to sleep again!!

That little puppy soon worked his way into all of our hearts. As much as Chance loved Chili and enjoyed watching him from afar he still could not bring himself to connect with him. Five years after we brought Chili home, Chance finally found his way to his dog.

The most beautiful friendship unfolded right before my eyes. Everywhere Chance went, Chilidog was there. If Chance was in the shower, Chili layed on the floor of the bathroom and waited for him. Chili slept with Chance at night, slept next to Chance's feet while he did his school work, he was on Chance' lap while he watched tv. When we had snow, Chance carried him outside like a baby, because Chili hated the cold, rain, and snow.

During the last big snowstorm we had Chili protected his boy. Chance had gone outside to play in the snow with Jacob, of course Chili went because Chance went. The boys and a friend had taken an old camper shell the previous owners left and made it a fort for Nerf Wars. Chance decided to hide from Jacob and went underneath the camper shell. He got stuck in there. Somehow with the snow still falling he got into a position he could not lift the shell back up. Jacob came inside and reported he was calling for Chance and did not get an answer. Chili sat between the house and where Chance was and barked and barked. I thought he was trying to find Chance, silly me, he knew where his boy was. I had called Rion in the room and was starting to get a bit freaked out that we did not know were Chance was when Rion's cell phone ring. It was Chance calling his dad from his cell phone to ask for help. Thank God he had that cell phone. But I know even if he didn't, Chili was on the job. When Rion went outside and Chili saw him coming, he kept barking and lead Rion to Chance. I was so touched by Chili's love for his boy. I had a sense of peace, he will always protect Chance.

Last Monday, March 1, 2010 on Chance's 13th birthday Chilidog did something completely out of character....he left the backyard and ran down the driveway and into the street. He was hit by a car. We tried to help him. We took him to the emergency vet, but there was too much damage and he had to be put down. This time I was so impressed with Chance. He stayed strong for Chili until the end. He held Chili and talked to him the whole way to the vet. When we knew what had to be done, he stayed strong for Chili. He stayed with Chili until the end, telling him how much he loved him and what a good puppy he is. I know Chili was comforted by having his boy with him. Chance held it together until she told us Chili had passed and then he let out the deep pain he was feeling.

It was the hardest thing as a parent I think I have gone through yet. To watch this child who had been so terrified of dogs and had come to this place of the sheer love of his dog, to lose his best friend. And of all days, on his birthday....I will never know why Chili wouldn't stop when called that night and ran into that road. I will never know why that day, Chance's 13th birthday, when we are supposed to be celebrating his growing towards manhood, he had to lose his best friend. But I will be forever grateful Chance and Chili had that last beautiful year together.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another example.....

I watched the movie Julie and Julia two days ago. I was very excited about renting it. I love Meryl Streep and Julia Childs. It was a good story, great acting, in all a good movie. Except for just one little thing, the Republican bashing. It was just a couple of lines in this one. It is so frustrating; does Hollywood not think that Republicans spend money on movies????

I realize it is a predominately Liberal industry. As theater person, I realize in just the small world of Richmond Theater I am the conservative exception. I realize almost everyone I am going to work with is not going to see the world from the conservative viewpoint that I do. I do not hide my political leanings; anyone on Facebook can see where I stand by my profile page. I will discuss it if asked. I do not think at this level it affects my ability to get jobs. There is the Veronica who works in the community and then there is Veronica the consumer.

Veronica the consumer is so tired of the cheap shots taken by Hollywood of conservatism, Christians, and even homeschoolers. If you find a homeschooler in a movie or cartoon they are usually socially inept and nerds. Really?? How many homeschoolers do the writers know personally that they are making those judgments on? Because personally I find them some of the most well versed, neatest kids I have ever met.

So, YES Republicans go to movies, rent them, and even BUY them. We DO spend money on the Entertainment Industry. Although it does become increasingly harder to find movies I want to spend money on. As a matter of principal there are certain actors I just cannot justify giving my hard earned money to because they have spent so much time bashing me for my beliefs. I do not want to know their beliefs one way or the other. I just want to be entertained! I do not turn to Hollywood actors to find out how I should think. I think for myself.

Oh, and for the record, I as a Republican Manager would NOT have fired Julie for calling in sick to remake the dish for the critic.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reflections of 2009

It is now January 2nd and it is the first time I have had time to stop to write since Thankgiving.  December is always so very busy and this year I added a show to the mix!  I did sound for Miracle of 34h Street at Henrico Theater Company.  It was a good production of an old Christmas favorite.  While I learned more about sound and enjoyed meeting some new people, it was not the best choice.  I didn't get to actually do my Christmas cards until after Christmas because we didn't get around to doing the picture for the Christmas cards until the 22nd!  While I was busy shopping and wrapping I did spend some time thinking about 2009.

As always you have the good and the bad and through the grace of God good came out of the bad.  My New Year's Resolutions for 2009 were to buy a house and to lose weight.  I did both!  Yes, there is a first time for everything!

 I lost 30 lbs and still am not at my goal weight.  The way I am wording that resolution for 2010 is to actually reach my goal weight.  I have faith that one is going to be seen this year.

We worked really really hard at paying bills off so we could get out of a miserable living situation.  We were doing a really good job at that and then we had a little curve ball, Jacob was admitted to St Marys with an unknown illness that was causing high fevers and joint inflammation.  We were worried the added expense would delay our dreams. 

We actually had identified a house we wanted to buy the week before he was admitted and made an offer from the hospital.  But they had just accepted another offer.  We were feeling a bit defeated....but God had the perfect house for us, we just didn't know it yet.

Thanks to Tammy Gray, my cousin and friend, of Cloverleaf Realty and Paul Jones of Creative Mortgage, we did it!  And we did it by my goal date of my 40th birthday!  I turned 40 August 29th and we closed August 28th! Whew....that was close!

We saw God really blessing us during the move.  First we were blessed with many helpers.  I was so worried about how we were going to move because of Rion's arthritis.  Our friends from Winn's Baptist Church along with some good friends and family members helped us get the furniture and everything not in a POD moved on Friday night.  And then my birthday was spent with our friends from Centerpoint Church and some childhood friends who helped us empty the PODS and unpack boxes.  Our friends and family really rallied around us and helped so much with their time, sweat, free furniture, a free big screen TV, and even financial blessings.

The kids and I prayed every single night for more than a year for a house.  What a testimony to my children the whole experience was. 

After much prayer we made the decision to leave Winns, a church we loved and had only been at a short time.  We started attending Centerpoint Church so I can do drama there.  First you have to know I prayed for more than a year that God would show me his will for my life and how I can use my talents for him. He answered.  First he took us to Winns.  I worked with the actors during their annual production of Judgement House and felt God calling me to full time drama minstry in a church.  Some months later God sent Mike Cauthorne to invite me to do drama as a regular part the service at his new church plant, Centerpoint!  Wow!  It is so amazing to see how he puts it together and you had no idea what great things were in store for you.

Centerpoint has been a blessing to our family.  We LOVE our weekly life group.  The kids count down the days.  We have made some GREAT new friends!  We LOVE the Sunday morning service. The band is great.  It is like going to a Christian concert every week.  And Mike, our pastor, well you just never know what he is going to say next....and that IS a good thing.  He keeps us on our toes and we are never bored.
I have learned so much.

And I cannot forget Facebook.  It was so awesome to reconnect with so many old friends through Facebook.  What a great way to stay in touch.  One connection in particular is so very special.  It is an answer to prayer itself.

I am very pleased with 2009.  I feel as though Rion and I finally made some good choices and are headed in the right direction.  mmm....maybe we are finally starting to grow up?  Nahh....