Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another example.....

I watched the movie Julie and Julia two days ago. I was very excited about renting it. I love Meryl Streep and Julia Childs. It was a good story, great acting, in all a good movie. Except for just one little thing, the Republican bashing. It was just a couple of lines in this one. It is so frustrating; does Hollywood not think that Republicans spend money on movies????

I realize it is a predominately Liberal industry. As theater person, I realize in just the small world of Richmond Theater I am the conservative exception. I realize almost everyone I am going to work with is not going to see the world from the conservative viewpoint that I do. I do not hide my political leanings; anyone on Facebook can see where I stand by my profile page. I will discuss it if asked. I do not think at this level it affects my ability to get jobs. There is the Veronica who works in the community and then there is Veronica the consumer.

Veronica the consumer is so tired of the cheap shots taken by Hollywood of conservatism, Christians, and even homeschoolers. If you find a homeschooler in a movie or cartoon they are usually socially inept and nerds. Really?? How many homeschoolers do the writers know personally that they are making those judgments on? Because personally I find them some of the most well versed, neatest kids I have ever met.

So, YES Republicans go to movies, rent them, and even BUY them. We DO spend money on the Entertainment Industry. Although it does become increasingly harder to find movies I want to spend money on. As a matter of principal there are certain actors I just cannot justify giving my hard earned money to because they have spent so much time bashing me for my beliefs. I do not want to know their beliefs one way or the other. I just want to be entertained! I do not turn to Hollywood actors to find out how I should think. I think for myself.

Oh, and for the record, I as a Republican Manager would NOT have fired Julie for calling in sick to remake the dish for the critic.

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